Digital Marketing
Your new website is live! Facebook Platform enables you to make your website more social.
You can use the Social Plugins, such as the Like Button to drive user engagement with a single line of HTML. Facebook Login Button and Registration Plugin let you simplify or eliminate your own user registration and sign-in.
Ongoing updating and routine maintenance is key to a successful website. By regularly dedicating time to review the current content on your site and request changes, additions and deletions, you should notice better placement within the search engines. Current as well as potential consumers will be more likely to use the website as a resource, if the content is accurate and assists them in making a decision to purchase your product or service.
Once you have included the Like Button into your site, you can use other Social Plugins to turn those user interactions into more engaging experiences throughout your site. You can use the Activity Feed Plugin to show users a stream of the recent likes and comments from their friends on your site. You can use the Recommendations Plugin to show personalized page recommendations to your users based on the likes and comments across your entire site.